Body Literacy & SRHR with NT-DNT Women During Mental Health month in October

Mental Health especially in the context of NT-DNT, Adivasi and other marginalized communities is closely connected to their myriad of social, economic, political, historical struggles which are constant and never-ending. Anubhuti has been working with mental health and sexual reproductive health through the Sharir Sanvaad Abhiyan in these communities since we started working in 2016, … Continue reading Body Literacy & SRHR with NT-DNT Women During Mental Health month in October

Weekly Sessions with Adolescent Group at Community Centres

As part of weekly sessions at all the community centres, one initiative was where community elders were invited to the centre to share the history of their communities with adolescents and youth.. How did they settle here? Where did they migrate from to this spot? How and who put up the first houses? What are … Continue reading Weekly Sessions with Adolescent Group at Community Centres

Youth standing with Constitutional Values through Human Chain on 15th August Indian Independance Day

In the backdrop of violence and fundamentalism across the country including in Manipur and other parts of the country, on Independance Day, youth from different parts of Thane District - NTDNT tent communities, Adivasi padas, rural villages, Dalit communities stood up in a Human Chain to strongly show their stance for the safety, rights, dignity … Continue reading Youth standing with Constitutional Values through Human Chain on 15th August Indian Independance Day

Career Leadership Fair

A unique concept of using relatable games, pictures, examples, stories, phrases to discuss about the otherwise technical and slightly intimidating topic of career with children and youth, has been launched through our "Career Leadership Fair". Created by our founder Deepa Pawar, the more important underlying strength of this Career Leadership Fair is that all the … Continue reading Career Leadership Fair

Knowledge exchange meeting with Language experts

It was a great knowledge sharing and learning opportunity, where we had language experts and activists from 3 different locations - one from the US, and two from Uttar Pradesh and from Uttarakhand - visit us at Anubhuti. They shared about the work they are doing in context of language revitalization and Deepa Pawar shared … Continue reading Knowledge exchange meeting with Language experts

Deepa at the Dasra Philanthropy Forum

"Vulnerability goes much beyond poverty" - opening statement by Deepa Pawar, representing the NT-DNT voice at the DPF 2023. She read excerpts from her book of stories of NT-DNT women she interviewed across Maharashtra. Deepa spoke at the "Dasra Philanthropy Forum 2023 - Rebuilding India" in California, on "Leading from the Margins - An Intersectional … Continue reading Deepa at the Dasra Philanthropy Forum

Training on Caste with Mental Health Practitioners

Had the opportunity to hold important discussions on Caste in context of Mental Health with above 60 mental health practitioners who are working with a wide cross-section of society across India - as part of the The Fault in our Chai Training program organized by Mariwala Health Initiative. Anubhuti Founder Deepa Pawar conducted this session … Continue reading Training on Caste with Mental Health Practitioners

Facilitation with CMHLP Atmiyata Team on DV & Mental Health

Over 3rd and 4th April, we spent two days with the CMHLP's (Centre for Mental Health Law & Policy) Atmiyata project team with in-depth facilitation on Mental Health and Domestic Violence. Deepa Pawar, bringing in a strong Constitutional and anti-caste perspective, facilitated different sessions for perspective building and approach building. The concept of Domestic Violence … Continue reading Facilitation with CMHLP Atmiyata Team on DV & Mental Health

Mann Mela with ITI students on occasion of Women’s Day

Anubhuti had started this creative, games-based, easy to understand, unburdened with jargon and stigma, grassroot youth-led mental health literacy and support module - called Mann Mela - in 2018. Till date, 7 batches of youth facilitators have been trained who are themselves young women, young men, with varied lived experiences from NT-DNT, rural, adivasi, bahujan … Continue reading Mann Mela with ITI students on occasion of Women’s Day

Understanding Shivaji Maharaj’s History during Shiv Jayanti Celebrations

On occasion of Shiv Jayanti (birth anniversary of the great progressive king Shivaji Maharaj), it was really inspiring to see over 50 women from 5 different communities - including from NT-DNT, Adivasi and rural, who came together to understand about Shivaji Maharaj and his feminist, democratic, egalitarian history. Games, reading, studying, discussions took place through … Continue reading Understanding Shivaji Maharaj’s History during Shiv Jayanti Celebrations