India has more than 50% population below the age of 25.
India also has one of the highest youth suicide rates globally, and suicide is the leading cause of mortality in this population.
This calls for action at multiple levels; and most importantly in education institutions where they spend a significant amount of time, explore different relationships, prepare to enter the economic and socio-political world as adults, and deal with multiple stressors from studies to exams to peer pressure to body image, to socio-cultural shocks. Most mental disorders begin before 25 years of age, more often between 11–18 years; the burden rises in childhood and peaks in adolescence and early to middle age (10–29 years). (Source:
Teachers play a primary role as support systems in listening, identification, referral, and baseline counselling.
Anubhuti has imparted trainings to thousands of school and college teachers and students to equip them to understand youth mental health – in context of diverse marginalized backgrounds, and respond sensitively and effectively.

In this Mental Health Month, launching this course designed for teachers, counsellors, non-teaching staff and anyone else working with adolescents and youth. To deal with their own challenges, as well as be equipped to provide support to their students.
How do we develop Anti-Discrimination, Inclusive, intersectionality lens in Mental Health? How do we make schools, colleges Mental Health friendly? What are the stressors affecting youth today and how do we respond from perspective of their realities?

It will be in Hindi and Marathi so that maximum can participate. This is a 6 sessions course.
The first session is on 29th October, 12pm. After registration, you will receive a mail with the joining details.
Register soon here: