Founder Deepa Pawar is one of 26 Goalkeepers – representing India globally to achieve SDGs

Deepa Pawar has been selected as one of 26 young #Goalkeepers #YouthActionAccerlerators from around the world! She is representing India on this platform for attaining Sustainable Development Goals with two other young change-makers. Her selection was on the basis of her project for making #HigherEducationSafe in terms of #MentalHealth of students: Mental Health, especially of youth, and … Continue reading Founder Deepa Pawar is one of 26 Goalkeepers – representing India globally to achieve SDGs

‘Mann Mela – A Mental Health Fair’: Taking mental well-being and support to young women and men

Mental health is widely misunderstood unlike the very straightforward physical health. It is defined by the WHO as "... a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her … Continue reading ‘Mann Mela – A Mental Health Fair’: Taking mental well-being and support to young women and men

Let Us Ensure Education for All!

Education for all is perhaps a cause that everyone believes in and supports - it is a noble cause, non-controversial and is one of the best known child rights. Despite this, affordable and quality education remains out of reach of hundreds of thousands of students in India. According to the Annual Survey of Education Report … Continue reading Let Us Ensure Education for All!